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14 June 2024



14 June 2024

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Brad Halliday sat down and spoke to club media after extending his stay at the University of Bradford Stadium, signing an initial two-year deal which will keep him at Valley Parade until at least the summer of 2026.

Q: Brad, two-year deal here at the University of Bradford stadium. How pleased are you to get that done?

B: Yeah, I think, it's been in conversation since the end of the season and sort of, get it sorted fairly quickly. It's nice. And to get it done before, obviously the start of pre-season, the start of next season.

Q: Was it a no-brainer to stay?

B: Yeah, definitely. I think, obviously my friends, my family and obviously all the fans know how much I love it here and that's why I wanted to stay. And obviously, it's all sorted now and we've got to look forward to the next couple of years and hopefully achieve some good things together.

Q: It takes you to at least four years with the club. You must really love it here?

B: Yeah, no, I think, obviously it was a big reason why I signed, obviously, two years back now, joining the club and as you say, I've extended for another two years. So obviously, I'm really delighted that I've done that.

Q: You’ve gone from strength to strength last year under Graham. How much of an influence has he been in your decision?

B: Yeah, I think, obviously, a lot of the talks I’ve had have sort of been me and the manager and, when he came in last season, he was obviously brilliant with myself and brilliant with the team, I believe I can get better as, a player under him. So again, it's obviously another massive reason why I've decided to stay and extend.

Q: Why do you think you managed to kick on so well last season?

B: Probably just, the relationship with the manager and the licence he gave me to obviously just go and like attack and sort of press and just be, energetic like I am.

Q: We saw you at the other end of the pitch a lot more last season. Is that something you've been working on?

B: yeah, I think it's something I need to get better at as well. I think it's something that we will sort of work on during pre-season and it's something I might get better at as the season progresses and I might add a few more goals, hopefully. I know I've got a couple towards the back end of the season, but as I said, it's all down to the manager to give me that freedom to go and get in the box and go and get on the end of things.

Q: We saw you scoop six awards at the end of season dinner a few months back, from your peers, and from the fans. How important is it to get that recognition from everyone?

B: Yeah, I would have preferred promotion, obviously, than the sort of the individual side. Obviously I'm delighted I got them, but I sort of said it at the end of last season, I’d swap all of them in a heartbeat for a team award, which obviously that's sort of the aim, going forward from now. So, as I say, it was a really proud moment for myself last season to sort of finished the season, ah, strongly. But again, it was probably an underachievement.

Q: How much have the fans been a factor in your decision as well?

B: Yeah, as I said, it's probably a reason why I love it so much here. All the fans have been brilliant since I've came in and as I say, I've really enjoyed my two years. So, as you said, it was a no-brainer to stay and, yeah, I'm just obviously looking forward to the next two years now.

Q: Over 13,600 season tickets sold so far. You've got a final message for those supporters who we look hopefully to a successful two years together?

B: Yeah, no, definitely. I think, obviously I want to thank them for obviously spending the money to come watch us. I know it's been tough at times but, hopefully, in the next couple of years there'll be more positives, there'll still be negatives, obviously, that comes with the game, but, hopefully, we can make it a successful one and we need them, to sort of help us on this journey.

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